Nar Hacks #4

Welcome to another episode of the Nar hacks, I hope you are always checking in on us and always joining us in this wonderful series. Remember that at Nar we are always here to serve, and we will always deliver on time.
Today we will be looking into a simple hack method that I call the TIME FRAME METHOD. This is a simple trick that can be used on some time dependent games and apps i.e. games/apps that reward you after an hour or so or that unlock stages after some hours. This hack is very easy to use, and also the effect can be seen instantly.
So let’s begin.

Background Information
For those of us that like playing games a lot, we must have come across games that gives us rewards after some time count, or that unlock bonuses or stages after some time count, most of these apps don’t use the internet; so how do they know that it is time to bring out the freebies.
When we install these kinds of games they use the phone default time settings to check when the game was install and hence from there begin calculating for the other time-use in the game. So if our phone time was at 12midnight when we installed the game, by 8am the next morning we must have had the game in our phone for about 8hrs, and thus the total game time of the game will be 8hrs. We can see that by twerking our phone time we can thus also twerk the time of the game.
And as such we can decide to use the game either in the future or in the past, or see what the game will be in the future, or carry out any other twerk that is time dependent.

What To Do
When playing some games, and during the unfolding of the game we are told to wait for some hours/days/weeks in another to proceed or buy an upgrade or get some freebies, we can simple fast-forward the time of the game play by simply adjusting the time of our phone to just the right amount, and thus we will arrive where we want to.
We can see this in games like ice age, temple run, car races, etc. and such games that use these means of time clicks to get the fun going.
This method can also be used for apps that use this same format to unlock bonuses and such, and it will have the same effect on the app as on the game.
Another way to use this is to back time install; i.e. before you install some apps you adjust the time of the phone backward, so that when you install the app and update your phone time it will be as if you have been using the app for quite some time, also good for games though.
This trick is a very simple harmless but a spoiler trick, it can be reverted any time you want (not so easy to revert in some apps), it removes the heightened fun in some games and makes some very easy. But it can also end up ruining your game. So this is a careful trick you want to use.

This hack can only work for games and apps that use the phone time click for its own calculation of time.
This twerk affect all other apps and games on the phone and can cause anomalies in the other apps.
This twerk can also cause some glitches and errors in the game, if the game uses the internet to unlock other parts of the game or to verify the game play of the user.
Remember to remove your phone from automatically updating your time before you twerk the time.

But in all this, there is always fun in it.
Like I said earlier this app is a spoiler app, which means that it brings your update faster than you think, so use this app when you want to finish the game faster, not when you want to enjoy the game.
Hope you enjoyed this week hack, remember to check on us next week for another edition of the Nar hacks. Remember to drop your comment in the comment box.
You can send me your hack and it will be published under your name on the blog and also on the website.

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