Once i was wondering, what if the nose was behind the head (that feels kinda awkward), or what if the nose where to be located at the top of the head; then am guessing that some persons might prefer to be born without their nose, but in all this if the nose were to be somewhere else then were it was today it might be more better or maybe just more awkward who knows, but let's find out why the nose is just perfect were it has been.
We know that there are five sense organ in the body and the eyes is the most delicate of them five, but since the eyes is so delicate the eyelid was provided in order to protect the eye from any danger that can befall it. And apart from the eyes the inside environment of the body is very delicate that's why various mechanism were put in place to make clean the various substances that goes into the body.
The mouth which is the chief entrance by which substance gets into the body has to be decorated and protected since it controls the inflow of about 80% of the substance that gets into the body. But the inside of the mouth is covered and protected by both our lips, which tends to be the ultimate protector that can be provided for such purpose, and the lips in its own way helps in controlling the substance that gets into the body. Now the big question is who then is to protect the lips.

This was when I realize the importance of the nose and that it was not there for a fancy purpose, and also the very reason why the nose is so close to the lips. Since most of the unwanted substance that goes up to the lips from the environment may be transported there by air, by insect or of such kind, it might in fact be easy for them to get there since the mouth is directly in front of the lower part of the face; but the truth is that, it is not as easy as it is being said. Have you ever passed through a place that is at least infested by flies, if you have then try to recall the number of flies that attack your mouth you might be surprised to discover that non did, or how many times have you seen that your mouth is dusty in a moderately dusty weather condition. This is simply because an invincible guard is keeping your nose safe and free from those materials. 
If you look at the nose closely you will notice a grove that streams from the front of the nose to the beginning of the top lip, when we breathe the nose keeps sending a stream of air past our lips; in as much as we are alive this process keeps happening. And since those insect or materials that tend to come in contact with the lips are usually air borne they tend to be blown away by the air stream that comes from the nose, and also the insect that might come close to the nose will be chased from there by the action of the nose due to the sound and vibration that will emanate from the nose house. So with the defensive mechanism that has been built into the nose it will be quite hard for any unwanted material to come close to the nose and also the mouth, so that in this way your lips is well protected and kept dust/impurity free to a great extent that the nose can provide. The action of the nose is quite subtle because most at times we don't know or feel that such great power or body function exist, because most at times we don't even realize that we are breathing unless we take to feel it. So that the function of the nose being where it is now has far more reaching effect that we can see or feel. The function of the nose can also be extended in keeping the mustache clean from dust and also from impurities so as to prevent slippage of dust and unwanted particle into the mouth when we eating or drinking.
By looking at the various pictures we can see that the nose is like a cannon that was built in order to defend the lips which in turn defended the mouth.

