What can you say about the way you sleep? Or do you think that you are sleeping your future away? Or do you think that sleep is bad? I once heard somebody say that "if only sleep will be taken away from the activities of man" do you agree with him? Or are you against this concept? Before you agree or reject this concept you should know that not only humans sleep, even animals sleep also so when you think of sleep we should try not to put it in only humans terms, and also that some of them even sleep far more than humans.
But can you just imagine if there was no sleep in the world do you think it will cause more good than bad, please think well on this also. And then lets also imagine if there were no ram spaces in our phones or laptops or if there were no cache spaces in our laptop or phones, do you think it will cause more good than harm, and also consider using an electronic devices for about a day or more continuously, but hope you don't want me to tell you what will happen also. For the first part our phones will be very slow and almost unusable and for the second part our devices will lose power and totally break down at least after exhausting the power or extent to which it can be used. So also can these things happen with our body, our body is a whole lot of devices working together to form a larger system of operation so it is far more complex than that of a mobile phone, and as we know the whole work is left for our brains to control each and every information that comes right into this very complex system. Some part of the body perform different functions (that is based on the part that process the information) if they are analogically related with a system it can be analyses as such:
The brain is made up of about infinite number of processors, rams and lots of cache spaces. (So you can see that it is very complex).
Our DNA as a passive storage devices is a very permanent rom that store information as a system file that can basically be changed or altered by the very internal system itself, so it is like a read only device.
Our mind, heart and senses can be looked at like a ram, cache and sensors respectively, but it also sends information to our brains for processing of the data that it holds.
We are also made up of a battery that I will say last for about your life time, but also remember that we have to charge our phone so that it doesn't run down, and we should know that our body can't be powered back on once it is dead. Saying, basically that it has a day usage and many years battery life.
Having all these at our disposal we might be tempted to work forever, but then the problem of read-write comes into account. When we use our phones we read write data as many times as possible in a sec, this cause heating in the system which cause heavy load factor on the battery and also on the device so that everything needs to cool down (that's why a system is not meant to work forever). But since our system(body) is more complex it will definitely need more time in this cooling Process, during the day our brain takes in as many data as possible which we can get from the body from our five sensors and also various other hard ware input and also other various system operations that will be going on inside the body, and basically all these process passes through the brain which is the chief processor of the body, some are stored immediately in the rom of the body, most especially the internal system activities that our body performs, and also those that needs to be stored in the DNA of our bodies, others are kept in the ram spaces waiting for the brain to write it to our rom. And then when does this takes place, this very crucial activity takes place when we are having a good night sleep (remember: a good night sleep) now you can see how important our sleep can be, so we should stop to wish it was cancel from the activity of man, because during this process one of the most important activity of man takes place.
But the body start storing data that has high frequency of repetition first or was given more form of repetition, concentration or that has high impact on the senses (now you know why you don't do so well at school, so you have to read harder with more vigor) and also during our sleep the body undergo a kind of reboot which usually takes a min of about 2-5hrs, so this show that we should try to sleep about this minimum daily and usually not to disturb this period (by not waking around this time or setting our alarm to ring about this time) because we can disrupt the reboot operation which will lead to system failure. This can lead to extreme tiredness, pains in some part of the body, and also very much lead to an head ache, and this can last up to some minutes after we get up or can even last longer if we do not properly take care of this incident.
By statistics and analysis a human is expected to sleep about 8hrs daily and this was calculated based upon the minimum time required that the human eyes should be closed daily.
Sleep is a very important operation for the human body, but it can easily be suppressed by use of drugs or others of its kind or can be reduce by use of some other kind of activities which an example can be called "nocturnal life". Man can only stay about 28 days without sleep before he/she experiences total system failure (quite a long time but don't risk it).
But what about other living creatures, not all other creature sleep but most of them do sleep most especially the bigger ones with well develop brains, and each of them have their own minimum time required for their sleep, and this is also based upon the same analysis used for the human calculation. Some sleep during the day while others at night depending on when they usually carry out their activity most actively, but there are also animals that sleep almost throughout the day e.g. slots and its like.
Most fishes usually have two brains at each half of his head so that only one of it sleeps at a time while the other is still at work (now you see how important sleep can be. The size of one's eyes is also a determinant to this factor (sleep) that a creature desire (since the calculation is done based on the minimum amount of time that a creature eyes needs to be closed) so that in some animals the relationship gets so small that some animals doesn't need to sleep at all.
We should also note that sleep is not rest and rest is not sleep and not also the reverse, but both tend to perform same function, but one(sleep) tend to a higher end than the other. While rest is like to sleep a device to cool down, sleep is like to reboot or shut a system for total system recuperation and to charge up faster. And we should not substitute them in their function or misused them in their right.
Sleep is so much a very important activity that when we don't give it to the body at night or when required it tend to request for it during the day or other time and this can be when we don't really want it to happen. So we should plan our self very well so as not to put sleep in the place in our day when it can easily be neglected, so that we tend not to lose so much an important function to the body.
When we don't sleep enough or sleep well, we tend to put a lot of stress on the body and our brains and this tend to make us very forgetful of events that happens to us during the day or events that don't really have much frequency of action. We should try not to fight back sleep too much most especially in the night because we will end up giving it double time at the end of the fight, that is the time we use in fighting the sleep will be gone and also the time we will definitely use in sleeping the sleep we have been trying to fight so we have used twice the time we were trying to save.
We should take to heart that sleep is not a curse on humanity or any of such ideas that can stem from its very selfish attitude towards our activities. But rather it is a blessing to the very cause of our existence as humans.
So that when we are sleeping we should try to use the most comfortable form of sleep that our body can muster or we can get, we should do this so that we can maximize the time that we give to sleep and also not to over-use time that we can use for other of our works on sleep.
So when we sleep we should sleep on in peace and let our guardian angel watch over us.

